Thinking about what will happen after your death or the death of a loved one is not something that most people consider to be an enjoyable pastime. As painful and awkward as it may seem, it is essential. By developing a plan that states your wishes and desires when you are no longer be able to express them, you are preparing yourself and your loved ones for a much less complex and confusing future.

Wills and trusts are used to protect our wishes and our assets when the need arises. They determine how your property, assets, and debt should be distributed after death. Leaving family members behind to wonder often leads to messy legal disputes when they should be mourning and preparing to carry on your legacy.

Will and Trust Lawyers

At Johns and Associates, our attorneys have been helping individuals in Colorado communities as they navigate the complexities involved with designing a will or a trust.

  • A will gives loved ones instructions on how to manage your assets after your passing.
  • A trust gives control of your assets to an entity that you create and control while you are able. Once you need assistance or have passed away, your named successor, which can be an individual or Trust company, takes over. This entity is then in charge of fulfilling your wishes and distributing your assets as stated in the agreement. The beneficiaries of the trust can be you, other individuals, institutions or a combination of all three.

Our lawyers will help you determine which is appropriate for you and ensure that your plan suits your specific needs. In addition, should a will contest or trust litigation arise, we are prepared to represent you or your loved ones and help pursue the best outcome possible.